
Detailed programme here.


Each session involves several presentations of 13 min each one and a joint discussion at the end of the session.

Keynote 1 (45 min) “Kernels and Convergence” by Prof. Holger Wendland, Universität Bayreuth

Keynote 2 (45 min) “Particle Finite Element Method (PFEM)” by Miguel Ángel Celigueta, CIMNE Barcelona 

Discussion Panel (35 min) “Do we want SPH to be a fully Lagrangian method (for fluids)?”

On Friday June 16th, 2017, at 12h, an event will take place in Madrid in which Prof. Joe Monaghan will be designated Honorary PhD by the Technical University of Madrid (UPM). SPH researchers are more than welcome to the event. Those interested can contact Antonio Souto-Iglesias at for details.